Thursday, September 10, 2015

Eskom Carnage on Vultures Continues

Vultures in Africa are decreasing at an alarming rate with multiple threats causing a steep decline in their numbers. One of these being the negative impact the Eskom grid has on the survival of the vultures. Cape Vultures are classified as regionally endangered and globally vulnerable with under 4000 breeding pairs left. 

The Cape Vulture is the only endemic vulture species in southern Africa and has already become extinct as a breeding species in Namibia, Zimbabwe and Swaziland.

Eskom has a history of re-active mitigation as opposed to pro-active mitigation and continues to operate largely in this manner. Despite numerous pleas for this attitude to change, this manner of ‘treating’ the problem continues to operate. It is now more than ever, vital that Eskom becomes more active in preventing the total decline of all vulture populations in Southern Africa.

The recent discovery of another four Cape vultures, found electrocuted by the Eskom distribution network in the Eastern Cape recently, should ring alarm bells for the environmental management division of Eskom. 

The Eskom network of power lines wields a detrimental effect on the Vultures (specifically the Cape vulture) and Raptors populations with many of the birds being either maimed or electrocuted. Other species affected by this power line network include species like the cranes, bustards and storks. 

Recommendations to Eskom range from insulation of exposed jumpers, cutting of earth-wires, covering post insulators with an insulation cover (Raptor protector), putting up bird-flappers (to make the line more visible for the birds to see), putting up bird guards

During 2015, Vulpro has been inundated with maimed birds due to a direct negative interaction with the Eskom network. A large percentage of these birds collide with the infrastructure resulting in permanent wing damage. The majority of these vultures will never be able to be released. In addition to this, a large number of electrocuted birds have been reported. Should this trend continue, the Cape Vulture in particular, will face imminent extinction. 

Vulpro will continue to tackle conservation of African vulture populations for the benefit and well-being of society, however, expects that Eskom will improve their approach and attitude towards improving the status of their infrastructure to minimize the negative effect it is having on the vulture populations of South Africa.

For more information, please contact:
Kate Webster
Cape Vulture in Crises
045 839 4716

Real hunters support responsible utilization of free ranging game

Recent events in the wildlife and hunting arena spurred worldwide condemnation of certain practices, latest of which was the shooting of a collared lion in Zimbabwe. 
It placed the spotlight on hunting and prompted responsible hunters that put conservation of nature and natural resources first and foremost, to call upon all hunters to refrain from participating in unacceptable hunting and associated practices.  
The South African Hunters and Game Conservation Association (SAHGCA) only supports hunting of wild animals in their natural state and in their natural habitat. SAHGCA members are diametrically opposed to the intensive and selective breeding of game animals of all species solely for hunting purposes, as it is incompatible with the definition of hunting.
Efforts to justify the intensive breeding of any species for hunting purposes are none other than defending unacceptable practices. Such practices have already tainted the country’s image as a hunting destination. South Africa’s neighboring countries capitalize on our poor image and lure overseas hunters with a promise of free roaming game to be hunted in real safari fashion. This has a negative impact on local game ranchers that still offer safari style hunting according to responsible hunting principles.
Although eco-tourism and hunting on extensive areas (that far exceed the area under formal protection) in Africa play a major role in conservation and rural economies, it is time for hunters to do introspection. Not only is the reputation of hunting at risk, but also the reputation of the country that is supposed to be a leader in the field of conservation. Irresponsible hunting practices, luring of game animals from reserves into hunting areas, put and take practices and intensive breeding of game animals for hunting do not bode well for the future of hunting.
Members of the SAHGCA have grave concerns about the negative biodiversity impacts of these practices and call on government to fulfill their constitutional obligations as Trustee of our wildlife heritage. It must ensure that while promoting justifiable socio-economic development, the environment is protected for the benefit of present and future generations, through reasonable legislative and other measures that prevent ecological degradation, promote conservation and secure ecologically sustainable development and use of natural resources. In this, incentives should be developed for extensive game farmers that not only contribute to the economy, but that also make a huge contribution to South Africa reaching its conservation targets.
SAHGCA also calls on hunters, professional hunters and outfitters to uphold the principles of responsible hunting. It is impossible to defend hunting in the wake of recent events in the hunting arena that shook the world. We make no distinction between ungulates and predators in this regard. Should we hope to sustain hunting for the foreseeable future; hunters need to refocus their practices on responsible hunting of wild animals in their natural state. The fact that we still have many game ranches and reserves with free roaming game animals is part of South Africa’s competitive advantage as a tourism and hunting destination. However, irresponsible practices negate the positive aspects of our extensive game areas.
Responsible hunters want free roaming game animals. Such animals offer hunting in its best form as well as a healthy protein source that is free from remedies that are a necessity in livestock production. Game meat produced in agricultural type production systems where remedies are required to address increased parasite loads associated with small enclosures, detracts from the benefits consumers have already associated with free ranging, healthy game meat. SAHGCA believes there is a huge potential to grow the game meat market, but it should be labeled and certified as free ranging.  

For more information please contact SAHGCA President Dr Gerhard Verdoorn on 082 446 8946. 

Illegal poisoning of wildlife on the increase

The recent death of vultures, Blue Cranes, Brown Hyenas and other wildlife due to illegal poisoning should be a wake-up call for South African conservation authorities, law enforcement agencies and conservationists. While rhinos faced a grave poaching threat, other equally important wildlife species, especially scavengers and predators are at risk of joining rhinos on the route of steep decline if the current spate of illegal poisoning continues.

The death of sixty-six vultures in the Lowveld was confirmed by toxicological analysis as a poisoning case; at least one carbamate pesticide was detected in the analysis. More recent incidents in which ungulates were snared and their carcasses poisoned to kill vultures for traditional medicine are just the tip of the iceberg. In 2012 mass poisoning of Blue Cranes occurred in the Karoo. This is yet, unresolved.
 Recently farmers reported that at least sixteen Brown Hyenas died probably as a result of poisoning in the Limpopo Province, and earlier this year Black-Backed Jackals were deliberately poisoned in the Addo Elephant National Park. Poisoned baits aimed at rhinos are often found in the Kruger National Park and Associated Private Nature Reserves. Fortunately, no rhinos have been poisoned to date in this important conservation area. Unfortunately many of the wildlife poisoning incidents become “cold cases” as the culprits are never found.

Deliberate poisoning of wildlife is definitely on the increase. Some of the poisonings are committed by poachers who kill wildlife for traditional medicine; vultures are mostly targeted for their heads that are used in divination. Lions have also allegedly been poisoned for their bones as part of the lion bone trade that services the Far East. Elephants have been poisoned in Zimbabwe to obtain their ivory, probably also for the lucrative illegal ivory trade in the Far East.

What is of grave concern is the illegal use of pesticides and other poisons such as sodiummonofluoroacetate by livestock and wildlife owners to kill predators. Despite a concerted effort by the livestock industry driven Predation Management Forum (PMF) to offer farmers alternatives to poisoning predators, some individuals do not heed to warnings to refrain from illegal use of pesticides and poisons. Provincial conservation agencies have warned that the liberal distribution and use of sodiummonofluoroacetate (also known as Compound 1080) is illegal, and should any retailer or landowner be found in possession of it, they will be prosecuted. There is reason to believe that vultures in the Eastern Cape and the sixteen Brown Hyenas in Limpopo were poisoned with Compound 1080; further investigations are geared to identify the particular toxins that were used to kill these animals.

State departments are at a loss for funds to conduct toxicological analysis and often request the Griffon Poison Information Centre to fund such analyses. Villa Crop Protection, one of the largest agricultural remedy suppliers in the country supports the center with financial backing to conduct toxicological analysis. Villa MD, Dr AndrĂ© Schreuder says, “Illegal poisoning of wildlife is a huge risk not only to South Africa’s natural environment, but also to agriculture. 

Many of our important products are deliberately misused to poison animals. It creates a negative perception of agricultural remedies if criminals misuse them to poison wildlife. Villa is determined to undermine individuals who poison wildlife illegally by supporting investigations into their crimes”. Tommy Fraser, a director of Villa Crop Protection, game farmer and conservationist believes that a concerted effort is required from conservationists, farmers and law enforcement agencies to stem the poisoning of wildlife: “poisoning is like a death warrant to all life forms. It hits far beyond the scope of the intended target. If nothing is done, we may not see our rare birds like vultures fly into the 22nd Century”.

Livestock owners that experience stock losses due to predation are likely to consider poison as a remedy. Only the poison collar is legal and only after a permit is obtained from the conservation authorities. It is well known that aldicarb, carbofuran, methomyl and Compound 1080 are illegally used to poison predators. The results are devastating and over the past two years many vultures have perished at the hands of those who lay out poisoned baits.

The Griffon Poison Information Centre endeavors to rid the country of illegal poisoning. Its supporters, many of which are farmers, are gathering intelligence on those individuals who illegally poison wildlife. On the other hand it is offering a hand of assistance via the Predation Management Forum to mitigate predation. Information and assistance from

Any information about illegal wildlife poisoning maybe called into 082-446-8946 or

For more information, call Dr Gerhard Verdoorn on 082-446-8946