Sunday, April 20, 2014

Natural Carbon

Most natural carbon system

As wool is composed of 50% carbon that has been captured and stored from the atmosphere, it is a natural carbon store. Each kilogram of greasy wool stores around 1.3 kgs of CO2.

In addition to being a natural carbon store, wool is produced from a sustainable grassland system, which itself has the capacity to store carbon. Combine this with woolgrowers’ ability to increase soil carbon by improved farming practices, and you have one of the most natural carbon capture systems on the planet.

It is renewable, has the ability to biodegrade without harm to the environment and can be recycled.

Furthermore, it takes significantly less energy to produce wool products than man-made fibre products, and this ensures CO2 emissions are kept very low. Therefore, the increased usage of wool can positively reduce the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Wool also gives advanced and developing countries alike the opportunity to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.

Wool is the fibre of choice for those consumers who wish to make a personal decision in reducing global emissions.

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