Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Inspiration -The Power Within – Your Words!

"Your words have power- choose them carefully!" - Jim Donovan
Throughout the day, during every waking hour, we are carrying on a running dialogue with ourselves. We are constantly thinking, or more accurately, talking to ourselves in every waking moment.

This quote from Slavoj Žižek that I used on my Facebook profile, is profoundly true. 
 “Words are never 'only words'; they matter because they define the contours of what we can do.

Hundreds of words per minute pass through our conscious minds as we go about our day. 
Unfortunately, for one reason or another, most people's self-talk is negative. This is probably due to the number of negative messages we heard as we were growing up and continue to hear today.
 These came from other, perhaps well intentioned people or individuals who  themselves living in a negative reality. Much of it is from a steady stream of negativity bombarding us from television, radio, newspapers and magazines.

Something to think about: Words don't offend people, people offend people. 

Back to the topic. One of my friends always talk about when I was young…. Obviously, he is saying I'm not young any longer. I must be old! A phrase that would have conveyed the same message but would have been more empowering would have been to say, "When I was younger . . ."
Without even realizing it, you're programming your mind with disempowering, less than ideal, messages. Keep in mind that your subconscious believes everything that you tell it.
Let’s think about the phrases that we use regularly to describe ourselves or how you feel and make sure that you are sending a positive message to your subconscious mind. Avoid any phrase that is negative or disempowering.

As a matter of fact, by amplifying positive words like saying great or terrific instead of just "good or fine," and minimizing negative ones, you can actually improve the way you feel. When asked how are you? Respond with "Better than great." I tried that a couple of times when answering the phone and the person on the other side always respond with something positive. It’s like spreading joy!!

The way you use your words is important as expressed by this quote:  “Our expression and our words never coincide, which is why the animals don't understand us”. -Malcolm De Chazal, writer and painter (1902-1981).

On a different note I read this insert from Hazel Palache, Entrepreneurs Results Coach: “Business today is not conducted the way it was years ago, in fact not even one year ago. If you are not constantly learning, changing and allowing yourself to use conscious business strategies and conscious business marketing any kind of challenges you may have will not readily change because your mind-set is still the same”.

Spirituality is synonymous with meaning. Meaning is created from growing and giving. When you can come from a place of giving in business it will bring so much more in the way of wealth and success! 

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