Monday, May 19, 2014

Wool can save our planet

Wool can help save the planet
Wool is the ideal fibre to help reduce global warming. 

According to international research, a household can significantly reduce its carbon emissions by living with wool: insulating with wool, wearing wool, walking, sleeping and sitting on wool. The European Commission reports that a household can cut its CO2 emissions by up to 300kg a year and energy bill by 5-10% simply by reducing its heating by a mere 1°C.

Wool has an important role to play as part of the everyday carbon solution.
Wool is a planet-friendly fibre made from the simple combination of sunlight, water and grass. It is made of up to 50% carbon, stored in a stable form. It is renewable, has the ability to biodegrade without harm to the environment and can be recycled.

Furthermore, it takes significantly less energy to produce wool products than man-made fibre products, and this ensures CO2 emissions are kept very low. Therefore, the increased usage of wool can positively reduce the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Wool also gives advanced and developing countries alike the opportunity to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels. 

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