Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sheep - Selection tips for Increased Fertility

Select for Increased Fertility

•           Identify lambs that were born as twins or triplets and select replacement lambs from this group. #Twin lambs from young ewes have a greater potential for twinning than do twins from older ewes.
•          If additional replacements are required, select single ewe lambs from young ewes.
•           Select #rams that were twins or from ewes that had high twinning records. Scrotal circumference should be 28 cm for 12-month-old rams and 32 cm for mature rams.

•           Ewe lambs that exhibit estrus are typically more fertile and have a greater lifetime production of lambs than ewe lambs that do not reach puberty the first year. Selecting early maturing ewe lambs also emphasizes early season lambing, which might be advantageous in some management systems.

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