Saturday, September 27, 2014

Global Wool Week coming up!

The world is gearing up for another global wool week on 5th-12th October. The Prince of Wales’s Campaign for Wool will also introduce the first Canadian Wool Week from September 29 – October 5, in Toronto. (Find the Campaign for Wool link under Interesting Links.)

This campaign now includes representatives from the International Wool and Textile Organization, The British Wool Marketing Board, Australian Wool Innovation, the National Council of New Zealand Wool and runs in 12 countries including, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Australia, China, Japan, Korea, the United States and now in Canada under the Prince’s Charities Canada.

Wool weeks are held in countries across the world during the autumn retail season. Featuring leading designers, retailers, celebrities - and lots of sheep - the Wool Weeks give hundreds of thousands of people the opportunity to get up close and personal with wool.

The Campaign for Wool has influenced a new demand for wool on an international scale, and its efforts have seen an outstanding threefold increase in the price farmers receive for their wool.

Open to the public from the 5th to 12th October, the Interiors Wool Collection offers free admission and all items displayed will be on sale at London's Southwark Cathedral during Wool Week.

The Scottish Shetland Wool Week takes place on 4-12 October.
UK 5 – 12th October
Germany 20th – 26th October
China 20th – 26th October
Belgium 21st – 31st October
Japan 27th Oct – 4th November

Netherlands 3rd – 9th November

Sadly no participating news from the South African wool industry at time of publishing.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Everything has a season

A Season for everything!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Be Kind – a precious reminder

Skip the ads.

SA Wool price levels sustained

Port Elizabeth – The wool market maintained its recent gains and the Cape Wools Merino indicator closed the day up by a marginal 0,6% at R114,68/kg (clean). This is 2,7% higher compared to the opening sale of this season and 2,0% up compared to the corresponding sale of the previous season.

Traders commented that the weaker rand had propped up the local market, however in hard currency the market remained subdued due to poorer demand from China. They described this week’s offering as small and of poor quality and expect next week’s selection to be similar.

The rand of the day traded 1,7% weaker at R11,10 against the US dollar, compared with last week’s average rate, and weakened 1,1% against the euro at R14,30. The sale resulted in a 97% clearance of the 7 324 bales on offer. The most active traders were Lempriere SA (2 290), Standard Wool SA (2 029) and G Modiano SA (1 033).

The average clean prices for the selection within the different categories good top-making (MF5), long fleeces were as follows: 18 microns were down by 0,8% to close at R124,10/kg, 18,5 microns weakened by 1,0% to R122,29/kg, 19 microns shed 0,4% to close at R118,15/kg, 19,5 microns dropped with 0,5% to close at R115,82/kg, 20 microns gained 0,2% to close at R115,32/kg, 20,5 microns increased with 0,4% to close at R114,48/kg, 21 microns gained 0,9% to close at R113,81/kg, 21,5 microns strengthened by 1,5% to R113,81/kg and 22 microns rose with 2,5% to close at R113,64/kg.

Approximately 6 700 bales will be on offer at the next sale scheduled for 1 October.
Ria van Rooyen
Wool Appraiser

SA Wolmark handhaaf goeie pryse

Port Elizabeth – Die wolmark het verlede week se prysvlakke gehandhaaf en die Cape Wools Merino-aanwyser het met ʼn geringe 0.6% gestyg tot R114,68/kg (skoon). Dit is 2,7% hoër as die openingsveiling en 2,0% hoër teenoor die ooreenstemmende verkope van die vorige seisoen.

Kopers was dit eens dat die plaaslike mark grotendeels sterker vertoon het slegs as gevolg van die ondersteuning van 'n swakker rand. In buitelandse valuta terme was die mark egter onder druk as gevolg van 'n trae vraag uit China. Kopers beskryf vandeesweek se aanbieding as klein en van swakker gehalte en ʼn hulle verwag 'n soortgelyke aanbieding vir volgende week.

Die rand het 1,7% teenoor die Amerikaanse dollar verswak vergeleke met die gemiddelde koers op die vorige week se veiling en het op R11,10 gesluit. ʼn Verkoopspersentasie van 97% is bereik van die 7 324 bale wat op die veiling aangebied was. Die grootste kopers op die veiling was Lempriere SA (2 290), Standard Wool SA (2 029) en G Modiano SA (1 033).

Die gemiddelde skoonwolpryse vir die seleksie binne die verskillende kategorieë goeie, lang kamwoltipes (MF5) was soos volg: 18 mikron daal met 0,8% tot R124,10/kg, 19 mikron verswak met 0,4% tot R118,15/kg, 20 mikron styg met 0,2% en sluit op R115,32/kg, 21 mikron versterk met 0,9% en sluit op R113,81/kg en 22 mikron styg met 2,5% tot R113,64/kg.

Die volgende veiling is geskeduleer vir 1 Oktober wanneer sowat 6 700 bale aangebied sal word.
Ria van Rooyen - Wolwaardeerder

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wolpryse Vertoon Sterker

Port Elizabeth – Die wolprys het die afgelope week gestyg en die Cape Wools Merino-aanwyser het met 1,5% gestyg en op R113,32/kg (skoon) gesluit. Hoewel dit 1,5% hoër is as die openingsveiling, het pryse gedaal met 2,3% teenoor die ooreenstemmende veiling van die vorige seisoen.

Die sterker mark weerspieël die positiewe globale sentiment en die Australiese mark styg met 1,0% die week. Kopers skryf huidige wolpryse toe aan stewige vraag vir goeie gehalte Suid-Afrikaanse Merinowol uit alle sektore van die bedryf.
Die rand het 0,3% teenoor die Amerikaanse dollar verswak vergeleke met die gemiddelde koers op die vorige week se veiling en het gesluit op R10,69. Dit was ‘n taamlike groot aanbieding van 13 229 bale waarvan 99% verkoop is. Die grootste kopers op die veiling was Standard Wool SA (4 072), Lempriere SA (3 292), Stucken & Co (2 642) en G Modiano SA (1 647).

Die gemiddelde skoonwolpryse vir die seleksie binne die verskillende kategorieë goeie, lang kamwoltipes (MF5) was soos volg: 18 mikron styg met 3,7% tot R125,43/kg, 19 mikron versterk met 0,5% tot R118,51/kg, 20 mikron styg met 2,0% en sluit op R114,33/kg, 21 mikron versterk met 1,4% en sluit op R111,82/kg en 22 mikron styg met 2,6% tot R111,80/kg.

Die volgende veiling is geskeduleer vir 10 September wanneer sowat 9 800 bale aangebied sal word.

Wool Market Dearer

Port Elizabeth – The wool market was firm at this week’s sale and the Cape Wools’ Merino indicator gained 1,5% compared with the previous sale a fortnight ago to close at R113,32/kg (clean). Although this is an increase of 1,5% on the opening sale, prices declined 2,3% compared to the corresponding sale of the previous season.

The dearer wool prices reflected the positive global market sentiment, as was also experienced in the strengthened Australian market where the indicator gained 1,0%. According to traders the increase was prompted by good demand across all sectors of the trade for good quality South African Merino wool.

The rand, at R10,69 was a marginal 0,3% weaker against the US dollar compared with last week’s average rate, and at R14,06 it had gained 0,8% against the euro. It was a fairly large sale with 13 229 bales offered, of which 99% was sold. The most active traders were Standard Wool SA (4 072), Lempriere SA (3 292), Stucken & Co (2 642) and G Modiano SA (1 647).

The average clean prices for the selection within the different categories good top-making (MF5), long fleeces were as follows: 18 microns were up by 3,7% to close at R125,43/kg, 18,5 microns strengthened by 1,3% to R120,95/kg, 19 microns increased 0,5% to close at R118,51/kg, 19,5 microns rose with 1,0% to close at R115,96/kg, 20 microns gained 2,0% to close at R114,33/kg, 20,5 microns increased with 1,6% to close at R112,76/kg, 21 microns gained 1,4% to close at R111,82/kg, 21,5 microns strengthened by 1,9% to R111,80/kg and 22 microns rose with 2,6% to close at R111,80/kg.

The next sale is scheduled for 10 September where approximately 9 800 bales will be on offer.