Saturday, February 29, 2020

Where do you seed yourself going?

While compiling the 75 year anniversary of the South African wool, newspaper I was struck by the vision of the founders and the role-players in the wool industry. They were planting seeds in order for us to reap the harvest today. All the current changes made me once again think of the law of sowing and reaping which is universal.
This law has been designed  to work in every area of life. It epitomizes stewardship by asking: "What seed are you planting today? 
The world around us is in a constant cycle of sowing and reaping.
This "law of seeding" carries over to our moral lives. Gossip, selfishness, pride and jealousy are immoral seeds. A few careless words blown by the wind can sprout ill will like a field of weeds. And when we envy others, we're sowing the seeds of discontent within our own souls-spending too much money, working too hard, suffering from high blood pressure. "Don't be misled:
The person who plants selfishness harvest a crop of weeds. We will harvest a good crop if we don't give up, or quit.

The universal law of seeding applies to all of life. Want to reap an eternal harvest of happiness, productivity?
Sow the right seed. Decide on the future you'd like to have, then sow accordingly.

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