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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Ram Management

By on 11:34 PM

Keep the following in mind when it comes to rams:

Make sure that your selection strategies are the same as those of your breeder. Where BLUP technology is available it should be used.

Know your breeder and his aims, because your flock’s improvement depends largely on him.  To shop between breeders renounces this principle.

Rams must be active, virile, fertile and physically able to mate with dexterity.  As a buyer you have a right to such mentioned qualities.

Take note:

  • The scrotum circumference of a 15 month old ram must at least be between 30cm and 35cm.  There is a positive relationship between testicle size of rams and the pubescence of maiden ewes.

  • In cases where a twin ram is used it will, over a period of time, result in a more fertile flock.

In order to allow rams to acclimatize, producers are urged to purchase them at least three months before the mating season.  Remember, adaption to an environment can cause temporary infertility.

Avoid rams with soft and flabby testicles as approximately 50% of these rams have poor sperm quality compared to 5% of rams with firm and elastic testicles.

Management practices

Examine rams on a regular basis for foot disease and problems such as fly strike.

Rams must be shorn 8 to 10 weeks before mating. 
Long wool increases heat-tension which in turn is detrimental to libido.

Clip hooves 6 to 8 weeks before mating and have rams tested for fertility.

Rams must be exercised before mating.  Start roughly 6 weeks before mating by gradually increasing chasing rams over distances.

Remember to mate your young ewes with relatively young rams.  Young ewes have shorter heat cycles and young rams are generally able to serve more ewes over a shorter period of time.

A 25% annual ram-replacement is advisable.  The mating tempo declines with age.

Refrain from all activities and handling two weeks before mating.

Make provision for sufficient shade and clean water, especially before and during mating.


It is advisable that rams be kept in a good condition through out the year.  If conditions justify it they may be flushed as from two months before mating. 
A supplement of vitamins A, D, E may have a positive influence on conception rates.


Normally it is beneficial to use teaser rams, especially during spring time.

  • The use of teaser rams result in more concentrated lambing.
  • A better interval can be brought about by dividing the ewes into three groups, teasing with two day intervals.
  • Teaser rams must be kept young.
  • Teasers should not be used in excess of 11 to 14 days before mating.

Although the senses of sight, smell and hearing can synchronize a ewe, more success is derived from physical contact.

For successful synchronization it must be ensured that teasers have no contact with ewes for a period of at least 43 days, preferably three months before the scheduled mating.  This practice will cut down on possible conception problems.

Important characteristics

The following characteristics with long term advantages should be considered when rams are selected and purchased.

  • Genetically better wool length has advantages such as a higher fleece mass, increased breaking strain and reduction in the fibre distribution range.  This characteristic is between 40-50% hereditary.
  • Select for finer wool.  Fine wool can be used in a wider range of quality materials.  Producers can easily select for this characteristic because it is highly hereditary.
  • Make sure that your ram has evenness of crimp right through the fleece – good quality
  • In order to combat flystrike producers should select for whitish wool with a good quality and an even yolk flow.
  • Pigmentation on the horn sites, legs or hooves is correlated to the presence of too many pigmentated fibres in the fleece.


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