Friday, March 27, 2020

Tips for Legume Pasture - Lucerne

Lucerne and Merino’s go together like a horse and carriage; a wonderful working marriage!  Lucerne is the most productive of all perennial pastures legumes and it is hardy and persistent to boot.  
This explains why more land is planted to lucerne than any other perennial pasture legume in SA.  If lucerne did not have a bloat problem, there would be little need to use alternative perennial legumes.   Many farmers complain about grass invasion in their lucerne lands.  This is actually an indication that the soil is poorly mineralisedLucerne is particularly dependant upon calcium and phosphorous.  Liming to correct pH is most certainly no assurance that calcium levels in the soil will be built to optimize; very often they will fall far short of this all important mineral.  Huge – very costly and wasteful - applications of super phosphate are needed to build soil P to the desired level.  For this reason most farmers don’t apply sufficient P, consequently lucerne suffers from P hunger. This reduces its vigour, thus giving grass weeds the competitive edge.  In the long run, building P with rock phosphate is far more effective and less costly.  For top yields and the production of high quality lucerne, soil minerals should be fully balanced according to the Albrecht model.

Groenvoer vestiging

Groenvoer maak die beste ekonomiese sin waar dit aangewend word vir die afronding van lammers of ander vee vir bemarking.  Produksie van droëland groenvoer is wisselvallig.  Die belangrikste groenvoer-soorte is hawer, korog en rog. 

Water is die dryfkrag

‘n Duimreël is dat 100mm plantbeskikbare water, 2,3 ton droëmateriaal / ha kan lewer; 150mm omtrent 3,9 ton droëmateriaal / ha en 200mm omtrent 5,5 ton droëmateriaal / ha.  In die somerreënvalgebied is reënval gedurende die groenvoer groeifase beperk en is dit belangrik om water reeds voor vestiging in die grond op te berg.  Tewens sukses met droëland groenvoer word gewoonlik bepaal deur die boer se vermoë om water beskikbaarheid te bestuur.  Hier is gronddiepte, onkruidbeheer en waterindringing belangrik.  ‘n Grond van 1m diep se waterlewerings vermoë wissel van 120 mm vir kleigrond tot 110 mm vir meer sanderige grond.  Indien daar nie met plant minstens 100 mm water in die grondprofiel is nie, raak droëland groenvoer vestiging in die somerreënvalgebied ‘n groot risiko. 


Drie patrone, naamlik; kort seisoen; medium seisoen en lang seisoen.

  • Kort seisoen kultivars het geen koue-behoefte vir blom nie; blom daarom vroeg met ‘n vroeë produksie-piek tot einde Julie.
  • Medium seisoen kultivars het ‘n kort koue-behoefte vir blom; blom later met ‘n vroeë produksie-piek tot middel Augustus.
  • Lang seisoen kultivars het ‘n lang koue-behoefte; blom laaste met ‘n later produksiepiek en produseer tot einde September. 

Dit geld vir herfs-vestigings. Kultivar-produksie proewe het verder bewys dat lang seisoen kultivars se produksie gemiddeld 50% hoër is as dié van kort seisoen kultivars.  Dit geld vir die onderskeie kultivar-tipes binne al die groenvoergroepe, naamlik rog, hawer en korog kultivars.

Kies die regte tipe volgens jou spesifieke voervloei-behoefte.  As dit laat raak (einde Maart) en voer is teen middel Mei nodig, plant dan kort seisoen kultivars.  ‘n Lang-seisoen kultivar kan so vroeg as moontlik (Februarie) geplant word.  Dit sal ‘n sekerder, langer en hoër produksie verseker.  Met so ‘n praktyk sal moontlike laat-somer en herfsreëns ook beter benut word en groenvoer sal vanaf middel April tot einde September beskikbaar wees.

Bemesting van droëland groenvoer

Die volgende algemene aanbevelings geld:

Stikstof (N)
Effek op produksie hang saam met beskikbaarheid van water (reënval).  Met genoeg reën kan stikstofbemesting beide voerproduksie en diereprestasie verhoog.  Neig egter na die konserwatiewe met ‘n maksimum van 30kg N / ha per toediening.

Fosfor (P)
Indien breedwerpig gevestig, word geen P-bemesting aanbeveel nie.  Indien in rye gevestig, mag ‘n P-toediening van maksimum 10kg P / ha voordelig wees.

Kalium (K)
Onnodig onder beweiding.

Plant die raaigras en assegaaiklawer breedwerpig met die rog in ongeveer 40cm rye daarna (verhoed oorskadu effek).  Die rog is relatief vinnig en sorg vir goeie herfs en winter produksie.  Die klawer is stadig en sal vanaf Augustus tot Desember produseer.  Dit bind stikstof en gee baie goeie diereprestasie.  Enhancer is ‘n raaigras kultivar met uitstekende diereprestasie potensiaal wat tot Desember sal produseer.


1)     Besin oor die rede(s) vir groenvoer in u produksiestelsel.  Afronding van bemarkbare vee is die mees ekonomiese aanwending.

2)     Bestuur en benutting van grondwater is uiters belangrik.  Kies en bewerk lande vir maksimum wateropberging.
3)     Wees bewus van dramatiese verskille tussen:
·        Groenvoer groepe
·        Kultivars binne groepe

Plant met die oog op jou spesifieke behoefte!

4)     Besproeide weidings
·        Let op besproeiings- en bemestings-riglyne

5)     Bemesting
·        Wees konserwatief

·        Onthou die water/stikstofinteraksie vir goeie diereprestasie 


Assegaaiklawer versprei en groei maklik en kan droogtes oorleef. Dit is ’n eenjarige gewas, maar dit is nie nodig om elke jaar te saai nie omdat dit self opkom en maklik self saad maak. Uitstekende eienskappe as voergewas  van Januarie tot Augustus.
Dit bly groen deur die winter en kan in die middel van die winter al ’n goeie produksie lewer. Assegaaiklawer, wat soos lusern behandel en gebaal is, bevat 18 % proteïen.
In sy groen vorm kan Assegaaiklawer bewei of gesny en in krippe gevoer of in voermengers saam met droëmateriaal gemeng word.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Age determination and teeth examination

Age determination and teeth examination
Sheep and goats
Determine age, flock composition, dental defects and diseases
The lifting of lips to expose the teeth should take place in such a way as to prevent unnecessary stress to the animal. The following illustration shows how this should be done: Use the index and middle finger or thumb preferably.

It is important not to confuse temporary teeth in a year old animal, which has not yet started teething, with an adult sheep that is 4 years of age (“full mouth”).  The more mature characteristics of the face will be helpful.

Ageing is done according to the following formula for sheep (and goats):-

                       15 months (1 year)             ± 3 months            =          2 TOOTH (2 permanent teeth)
24 months (2 years)           ± 3 months            =          4 TOOTH
33 months (3 years)           ± 3 months            =          6 TOOTH
42 months (4 years)           ± 3 months            =          8 TOOTH (Full-mouth)(Volbek)
Gummer (Slytbek) (6-8 years) =      Old, stumpy teeth (or very long teeth, if little wear   takes place)

Once animals reach this stage they will already have lost condition, because of poor veld intake.. It is for this reason that breeding animals should not usually be retained in the flock when older  than 8 years.

After this age, the approximate age can be told by the amount of wear on the front teeth. As the animal gets older, the teeth spread apart and finally become loose and some drop out. At this age the animal begins to lose its usefulness as a grazing animal.


Sunday, March 15, 2020

Meerpaarstelsels wenke

Benut die goeie tye beter.  Meerpaarstelsels wenke 
Vandag volop, more skoonop!
Meerpaarstelsels is voordelig en dit is `n goeie tyd om oor te skakel as jy nog getwyfel het.

Verhoog lewensdagproduksie - paar die jong diere wat goed uitgroei vroeër.  Paar ouer ooie gouer na hulle gelam het - boer met jou skape soos wat `n beesboer met sy beeste boer - m.a.w. paar hulle weer drie maande na hulle gelam het. Teen daardie tyd het die baarmoeder lankal reeds herstel.`n Skaap dra vyf  maande en as jy drie maande later paar, lam die ooi elke agt  maande of wel driemaal in twee jaar.
Ooie wat oorvet raak kan hul vrugbaarheid negatief beinvloed.
Pas `n ekstra lamtyd in!  Oorweeg selfs kruisteling om d.m.v. basterkrag `n sterker/vinniger lam te kry.
Toestande vir KI of laparoskopie is gunstig!
Maar onthou - jy kan nie net meer vra van jou skape nie - gee ook meer. Dit mag `n ekstra dosering, inenting of byvoeding vereis, maar die ekstra lammers sal meer as daarvoor vergoed!

Voorbereiding van Teelramme

Teelramme moet voor die aanvang van die paarseisoen 'n volledige teelgeskiktheidtoets ondergaan om te verseker dat hulle vrugbaar, vry van enige geslagsiektes asook dekbehendig is en 'n hoë geslagsdrang het.  Daarbenewens moet hulle voldoende deurvloeiproteïen ontvang om testisgroei en spermproduksie te maksimeer.
Die bydrae van teelramme tot 'n hoë reproduksietempo moet nie verontagsaam word nie.  Teelramme moet voorkeur en spesiale behandeling ontvang.  Die fokus moet op maksimale testisgroei en spermproduksie asook goeie gesondheid en 'n hoë fiksheidspeil wees.  Die mees sinvolle benadering is om ramme dwarsdeur die jaar in 'n goeie kondisie te hou en dan twee maande voor die paarseisoen 'n prikkelvoer te gee.
 Volgens wyle dr Japer Coetzee duur die  produksiesiklus van sperme ongeveer sewe tot agt weke  en daarom moet die voorbereiding van teelramme minstens twee maande voor die paarseisoen 'n aanvang neem.
·       Teelramme moet drie maande voor die aanvang van die dekseisoen met  sink, mangaan en selenium) asook Vitamien A en E gespuit word om beide vrugbaarheid en weerstand teen siektes te maksimeer.  Die spoorelemente sink, mangaan en koper is noodsaaklik vir die produksie van goeie gehalte semen asook vir 'n hoë geslagsdrang.  Besetting verhoog indien ramme met selenium gespuit word, want selenium is 'n kritieke komponent van die stert van die spermatosoaKoper moet net gespuit word indien 'n kopertekort gediagnoseer is.  Sink en Vitamien A word benodig vir spermproduksie.  Ramme wat sink- en Vitamien A-tekorte het, het sagte testes (sagte balsindroom) en produseer swak gehalte semen.  Ramme benodig byvoorbeeld twee maal meer sink vir optimale spermproduksie as vir optimale spiergroei.

Proewe toon dat goeie voeding vir 'n periode van twee maande die spermproduksie kan verdubbel.  Die voer van hoë vlakke van grane (bv. mielies, kleingrane of sjokoladegrane) moet vermy word omdat dit vrugbaarheid nadelig kan beïnvloed weens oormatige vetneerlegging in die skrotum, veral in die nek van die skrotum, wat hitte-uitruiling beperk.  Om testisgroei en spermproduksie te maksimeer, moet teelramme ekstra energie, maar veral 'n baie hoë vlak van deurvloeiproteïen gevoer word, want dit bevorder die groei van die testes en die spermproduksie rn moet hierdie aanvulling 16 % proteïen bevat.   Indien die weiding skaars is, moet goeie kwaliteit lusernhooi ad lib. eenkant bygevoer word.   Voldoende vreetspasie (± 60 cm), sodat alle ramme gelyktydig kan vreet, moet te alle tye beskikbaar wees.

·       Saadkwaliteit van teelramme kan verbeter word deur hulle vanaf agt weke voor die paarseisoen met koringkiemolie (± 25 ml/ram) een tot twee keer per week te doseer.

·       Enige stres, van watter aard ook al, veral as daar meer as een vorm van stres gelyktydig gebeur, kan die gehalte van die saad verlaag.  Slegs geringe verhogings in liggaamstemperatuur vir kort periodes kan die vorming van lewensvatbare semen ontwrig.  Vermy alle stresvolle aktiwiteite (bv. skeer, dip, oormatige hantering, ensovoorts) korter as agt weke voor paring.  Knip kloue indien hulle lank is.  As daar tekens van vrotpootjie is, jaag hulle deur 'n voetbad met 'n 10 % sinksulfaatoplossing.  Voorsien skaduwee in die vorm van koeltebome of skadunet gedurende warm tye (> 32 oC) van die jaar om somersteriliteit te voorkom.  Wanneer die temperatuur meer as 32 oC vir lang periodes is of 'n kort periode van baie hoë temperatuur (38 oC of hoër) sal die produksie van lewensvatbare sperme nadelig beïnvloed word.  Volwasse sperme wat volledig ontwikkel is en reeds in die bybal gestoor is, word baie minder geaffekteer as sperme in die ontwikkelende stadiums.  Voldoende koel en skoon drinkwater moet te alle tye beskikbaar en so na as moontlik aan die skaduwee wees.
·       Hoe meer kere 'n ooi gedek word, hoe beter die kans om haar beset te kry en tweelinggeboortes verhoog ook dramaties.  Om dus te verseker dat teelramme ooie soveel kere as moontlik gedurende haar hitteperiode dek, moet die ramme oor 'n baie hoë libido (geslagsdrang) beskik en topfiks wees.  Waar ramme vir 12 weke voor die paarseisoen geoefen is deur daagliks 3 km in 25 minute af te lê, was die lampersentasie van die geoefende ramme se ooie 92 % teenoor 76 % van die ongeoefende ramme se ooie.  Teelramme moet dus vanaf minstens twee maande voor die aanvang van die paarseisoen fiks gemaak word deur hulle vroegoggend en laatmiddag vir minstens 'n halfuur vinnig te laat stap.
·       Ondersoeke toon dat tot 33 % van teelramme vrugbaarheid- en/of dekbehendigheidprobleme het.  Ramme moet ongeveer ses tot 10 weke  voor die paarseisoen aan 'n volledige teelgeskiktheidtoets deur 'n ervare veearts onderwerp word.  Dit sluit 'n volledige fisiese ondersoek van die ram en sy geslagsorgane; evaluering en ondersoek van 'n semenmonster; meet van skrotumomtrek asook 'n dekbehendigheidtoets in.  Die skrotumomtrek moet minstens 30 cm, maar verkieslik 35 cm en meer, op 15 maande ouderdom vir ramme in 'n goeie kondisie wees.
·       Ramme moet dus verkieslik vir dekkapasiteit (d.i. die kombinasie van geslagsdrang en dekbehendigheid) getoets word, want dit gee 'n aanduiding van die ram se dekprestasie in die praktyk.  Die normale aanbeveling vir die toets van dekkapasiteit is om drie tot vier ooie elk in 'n ooikrat te plaas en dan een tot twee ramme vir 12 tot 20 minute by hulle te plaas.  'n Ram met 'n hoë geslagsdrang en wat dekbehendig is, behoort 3 tot 4 suksesvolle dekkings gedurende hierdie periode uit te voer.
·       Alle aktiwiteite, soos die nodige doserings vir beide ronde- en neuswurm asook entings, behalwe entings wat koorsreaksie tot gevolg het, moet vier tot ses weke voor die paarseisoen gedoen word.  Ramme moet met 'n multi-klostridiale entstof geënt word.  Alle entings wat 'n koorsreaksie tot gevolg het (bv. bloutong), moet liefs na die paarseisoen geënt word.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

The Working Sheepdog: Can you do without one in this day and age?

Andrew Philip
During the ‘60’s, 70’s and ‘80’s, just about every town in South Africa had a local show. It was the shop window for many products and organizations with the latest motorcars, tractors, and implements, new breeds of sheep, cattle and horses. There were household items, new gadgets, the latest clothes and many other things.
These shows were also the shop window for the working sheepdog. Every show had a demonstration done by one of the top handlers of the day. Chipper and Con Kingwill from the Karoo, Jeff Currie and Bennie Strydom from the Eastern Cape, Billy Colborne from the Midlands, Ron Philip from the Western Cape and many others. All these handlers were National champions at some stage and all became household names. The demand for working sheepdogs grew and through SASDA (The South African Sheepdog Association) you knew you were getting a fully registered working sheepdog.

As the years passed, the mass media became more accessible and the local shows faded away.
The mass media changed the way things were presented to the public and it was and still is the best way to sell your goods, but it comes at a cost. The shows, on the other hand, use to invite the handler and his dogs as an attraction, actually paying one for the demonstration. It was a wonderful way to show the country what these dogs can do. Although the local shows do not exist anymore, the promotion of the working sheepdog has never stopped. It has just become more of a challenge to get the message, about these incredible working dogs, out to the stockmen and women of the country.

History of SASDA

Established in 1961, the SA Sheepdog Association became the national headquarters for the registered working sheepdog. The main breeds we have had over are the years are the Border Collie and the Australian Kelpie. Many articles could be written on both these breeds and because they are so different, it would be wise for a prospective buyer to find out which breed would suit their needs.

Benefits of working sheepdog on stock farms

I would like to reiterate the benefits of have a working dog on a stock farm, regardless of the breed.
To start at the very beginning, it is important to find a good working line of dogs. There are a few ways of going about this. First and foremost, there is SASDA (SA Sheepdog Assoc), which has its own registration scheme of purebred working dogs. One can contact them for the names of registered breeders. The second option is to find someone who has purebred working dogs, but which might not be registered.
The best way to choose a pup is to find a dog that works well. Let’s call him ‘Don’. Don does not have to be a champion. As long as he works in a way that will suit your needs. Now find out who Don’s parents are and book a pup from the next litter. If you are not so lucky in following this scenario, the next best option is finding a breeder, then to go and see if the parents of the puppy you would like to buy are both good workers. How well they work usually depends more on the handler than the dog, but if the dog shows interest in the stock and herds them to some degree you have a good chance of getting a working dog out of them. Having said all this, you always have a better chance of getting a good working dog from SASDA registered parents as they have been proven to work.      
Once you have purchased the pup, the most difficult, yet without doubt the most critical time of the working dog's life begins - the raising of the pup.

You may ask, why this is so important?
I’ll try to explain it briefly.
As a wool sheep farmer, if you go out and buy a well bred ewe and you neglect to dose, feed, vaccinate and keep it free of external parasites, etc, the chances are you will not have a good breeding animal no matter how well it was bred. It takes effort to get a good product and the reason you are willing to go to that effort is for the reward you will get from that ewe at the end of the day. Make a few sums to see it from a financial point of view.

Back to your pup.

The same principles and more, apply regarding the well being of your newly purchased pup. You have not purchased a short-term investment and most importantly, it is not a commodity. You have purchased a worker and hopefully a friend that should be around for the next 10 to 15 years. On the financial side of things, the question should be asked whether the cost of this pup is worth the expense.
Let’s look at the sum objectively:
Once your dog is trained, it should save you sending three or four extra staff members out with your shepherd every time he has to work sheep. In fact, your shepherd and his dog can run 2000 ewes with ease. You would need at least two people to handle 2000 ewes on a daily basis and then you would have to get others in when dosing, shearing and every time you move a flock not to mention moving ewes and their lambs! You make that sum to cover a year and then multiply it by ten. We are talking tens of thousands of Rands over a 10 year period. Now you can start realizing the value of your pup, if it becomes a good working dog.
To give the pup the best chance of becoming a good working dog, it must be brought up properly. In the rest of this article, I am going to concentrate on how to best do this, because the first six months of a pups life, are probably the most important.

Photo by Elize Pretorius 
Here are the basics for giving your pup the best chance of becoming a good working dog. 

1.       Before you buy the pup, build a simple but secure and comfortable kennel area, where the pup cannot play with other dogs or puppies through the fence. Should this occur your pup will pick up bad habits and become disconnected from you. It must not be able to see or be able to get into contact with fowls, “hansies,” sheep, rams, calves etc, or your other dog/dogs. Because your pup is a predator, it will more than likely start worrying or damaging any stock it can get hold of. It must always be supervised. If it can see stock but not get to it, it will either rush up and down the fence, which leads it to start barking or it will lie and stare at the stock for hours, making it a fixed eye dog that will not want to ‘chase’/herd the stock once it is introduced to them. (A 3x2x2 metres area, closed in by jackal netting and a weatherproof sleeping kennel inside the area is all you need.) This is where you are going to be keeping this ten-year investment.
2.       Your pup needs attention and socializing. Someone (preferably it’s handler) has to spend a few minutes with the pup each day. Just let it run around the garden, without the other dog/dogs, for a while, where you can have contact with it. Handle it so that it can get used to your smell and touch. 20 to 30min will be enough time at first. It must not be scared of you. Your children can play with the pup for short periods. The short period is so important. Children can easily destroy a potentially good working dog by playing with it for long periods. The reason I say this is because the pup bonds with the child, who exerts no discipline. They just play all the time. When you come along and tell the dog to do something, (exert discipline) it will want to go back to the child (exerts no discipline) and ignore you. And it does not help to get angry with the child or the pup. It is your fault if that happens.
3.       Whenever the pup is not in someone’s company, shut it up in the kennel. Remember, this is NOT a long-term prison for the pup; it is its safe home.
4.        As you would bond with your child to get to understand he/she and he/she to understand you, so you need to bond with your pup. It is just an animal, but an exceptionally intelligent animal with emotions. Treat it with that in mind. The bonding is done in small steps e.g. let it run around with you when you are in the garden. Take it for short walks or rides in the FRONT of the bakkie so that it does not fall out the back and get run over. NEVER TAKE THE PUP TO WHERE SHEEP ARE BEING WORKED. You can take the pup in the bakkie, when you drive through the sheep while inspecting them and if the pup shows interest, great, leave it at that. It must just not have contact with the stock at this stage. As mentioned before, keep it away from fowls and ‘hansies’ and calves that live near the yard.
Photo by Elize Pretorius
5.        Start passive training with your pup from the time you get it. By this I mean; when the pup come to you, say, ‘come here’ followed by its name. When it gets to you and sits, say ‘sit’ as it sits. Say ‘no’ in a stern voice when it does something wrong and praise it when it does something right. It is critically important to mention how much correct timing, will help you with your training. Remember, the pup does not know what your right and wrong is. You have to teach it, just as you have to do with a child.
6.        As the pup gets older, its reaction will be not to come to you when you call it. At this stage in its’ life, you usually call the pup to put it in the kennel, which it objects to. DO NOT GET ANGRY. It is just testing you and unfortunately it often tests you when you are in a hurry. To help solve this problem, tie a 6m light braided cord (not ‘baaltou’ or ski rope) to the pups collar so that it can drag it around when it is out of the kennel but please, do NOT leave the cord around the pups’ neck while there is no one in attendance. (The cord could get caught up on something in the yard and the pup could strangle itself.) The cord gives you a chance to catch the pup at a distance. Never haul the pup in on the rope. Give quick jerks as you call the pups name and then release the tension of the rope to give the pup time to think and respond. Repeat the action until the pup comes to you. You will more than likely find, that the first time you try this, the pup will fight the rope and could even spin around and bite at the rope. Just be patient for a few moments and keep trying your quick jerk and release actions, even while it is having its tantrum.. Usually after a few minutes the pup realises it is  a much better option to come to you than to fight. Praise it when it reaches you. Please put your temper in your back pocket while you are doing this and force yourself to have just a few minutes of patience. It is worth it. REMEMBER; THE LIGHT CORD YOU HAVE ON THE COLLAR IS NEVER THERE TO ABUSE THE PUP, IT IS THERE TO HELP YOU TRAIN YOU PUP.
7.        Every pup is different, just like people. This is so important to remember. You get soft natured pups, stubborn ones, friendly ones, shy ones, those that are easy to train, and those that will be a challenge and so on. Take note of your pup's temperament and how it reacts to you, others, things that go on in the yard etc. If you have had a working sheepdog before or do have one already, the chances are the new pup will not be the same as the other dog. Work it accordingly.
8.        If you have taken the effort to raise your pup well, by the time the pup is six months old, the introduction to the sheep should be so much easier for you. If you are unsure about taking your pup to the sheep for the first time, most trainers will be willing, even at a small fee, to help you get your dog started. If you decide to send your pup to be trained, it will of course make the job of a sheepdog trainer so much easier too.

Photo taken by  Elize Pretorius
The introduction to sheep:
This, I would say, is the second most important time in your dog's working life.
I must mention something at this point. If you do have an older dog that works and this is your second pup, do not to use the older dog to ‘teach’ the pup how to work. We, as trainers, sometimes use our older dogs to get the pup interested in chasing the sheep or to hold the sheep while introducing the pup. You must realize, that our experienced dogs are old hands at the job and do exactly what we ask them to do. They do not interfere with the pup. As soon as we have achieved our goal by using the older dog, we take it away, otherwise the pup learns to ‘follow’ the old dog and not actually work the sheep itself.

Introducing the  pups to sheep, is an article of its own. There are people you can approach for help with this important aspect in the life of your dog, or you can obtain a training book, DVD or video from the SA Sheepdog Association’s office if you wish to go it alone.

Value of sheepdogs

If the basics are done correctly, as with most things in life, you can have a dog that will be worth its weight in gold. Believe me, I have been working with them for the past 30 years. I never go to the sheep without a dog in case I have to count or catch one, cut a few off, move the flock, or collect that one that has got through the fence. I can separate two flocks that have got mixed up out there in the field without bringing them to the kraal. I take my rams out of the ewes in the field with the help of my dogs. And the best of all, my dogs are always willing, friendly and are totally reliable workers. When I walk out of the house, my dog wants to go and work. They have no interest in holidays, strikes, wages and such things. They do not care if it is raining or if the sun is shining. All they wish to do is work and all they need in return is a bowl of quality dog food at the end of each day.
There is not a sheep farm in the UK, New Zealand or Australia without dogs. Their smallstock industries would come to a halt were it not for the working sheepdog and this is no exaggeration.


As gevolg van seisoenale variasie in reënval en gevolglike veldproduksie kan drie situasies ontstaan, naamlik:

Situasie 1

Vee het genoegsame benutbare weiding beskikbaar in die groeiseisoen weidingsblok.  ‘n Ooreenstemmende veelading sal vir ‘n verdere sewe maande op die oorblywende twee blokke gedra kan word.  Dit is, minstens tot Desember elke jaar!

Situasie 2

Vee het genoegsame weiding, maar benut nie alle kampe in die groeiseisoen weidingsblok nie.  Veelading kan dienooreenkomstig verhoog word, of kampe sal vir spesiale behandelings beskikbaar wees.

Situasie 3

Vee moet voor die einde van die groeiseisoen noodwendig uit die groeiseisoen weidingsblok skuif na die tweede (winter) weidings-blok.  Veldproduksie is dus te laag vir die betrokke veelading en voerskaarste sal beslis gedurende die dormante seisoen ondervind word.  Die veelading moet dienooreenkomstig verlaag word.


Jy hoef nie te wonder oor wanneer die droogte (of voertekort) jou gaan tref nie.  Jy weet reeds teen Maart / April wat die situasie tot Desember is.  Die benadering sal jou in die bevoorregte posisie hê dat jy veel minder oor droogtes sal kla – en dit sonder om op veelading in te boet!!!


Voertekorte as gevolg van “droogte” is ‘n algemene verskynsel in Soetgrasveld.  Daar is ‘n manier om soetveld te bestuur en te benut om voertekorte óf te voorkom óf tot die minimum te beperk.  Daarbly is deur navorsing en in die praktyk bewys dat dié stelsel, veldproduksie gras-spesie samestelling en drakrag betekenisvol verhoog.  EN dit is maklik, dit kos jou niks behalwe om die besluit te neem en die stelsel te implementeer nie skryf dr. Arno Moore! 



  • Duur van die groeiseisoen is prakties 4 maande (een derde van die jaar).  In hierdie 4 maande (Desember – Maart) moet die veld genoeg produseer vir 12 maande se beweiding.
  • Veldproduksie varieer van groeiseisoen tot groeiseisoen.  Daarom is wisselende veeladings onafwendbaar.

  • Beweiding van veld vir een groeiseisoen, opgevolg deur twee periodes van langdurige rus in die groeiseisoen, sal tot veldherstel lei.  Hiermee saam verhoog grasproduksie en drakrag.

  • Beweiding gedurende die dormante seisoen is nie nadelig vir die veld nie.

Stap 1

·         Identifiseer en karteer die verskillende veldtipes op die plaas.

  • Verdeel elke veldtipe in drie dele met gelyke drakrag en gebruik hierdie verdelings om die plaas in derdes te verdeel waarin elke veldtipe verteenwoordig is (blokke 1, 2 en 3).
 Stap 2
Verdeel die jaar in drie seisoene:
  • Groeiseisoen:                   Desember – April (5 maande)
  • Winter                   Mei – Augustus (4 maande)
  • Lente                     September – November (3 maande)

Die verdeling van die jaar in hierdie seisoene maak voorsiening vir voervloeibeplanning sodat voldoende voer beskikbaar is regdeur die jaar.  Die oneweredige verdeling van 5 maande; 4 maande en 3 maande het ten doel om voorsiening te maak vir weidingsverliese as gevolg van wild en termiete asook ‘n afname in die voedingswaarde van die grasse.

  Stap 3 – pas die volgende weiprosedures toe:

1)           Die verskillende gedeeltes word sistematies in alternatiewe seisoene bewei:
·         Jaar 1 Blok 1 – groeiseisoen ; Blok 2 – winter ; Blok 3 - lente
·         Jaar 2 Blok 2 – groeiseisoen ; Blok 3 – winter ; Blok 1 – lente
·         Jaar 3 Blok 3 – groeiseisoen ; Blok 1 – winter ; Blok 2 – lente

2)           Na drie jaar herhaal die siklus himself en veld wat in die groeiseisoen bewei is, word dus vir die volgende twee opeenvolgende groeiseisoene gerus.

3)           Alle vee word beperk tot die een derde van die plaas wat in die spesifieke seisoen bewei word.

4)           ‘n Kamp in ‘n blok word tot ‘n voorafbepaalde intensiteit bewei en die tydperk wat die diere in die kamp bly hang af van die beskikbare weidingsmateriaal en die handhawing van aanvaarbare diereprestasie.

In die groeiseisoen kan diere terugkom na ‘n kamp wat vroeër in die groeiseisoen bewei is indien voldoende hergroei plaasgevind het.  Deur rekord te hou van die aantal diere en getal dae wat die diere in ‘n bepaalde kamp deurbring, kan daar mettertyd uit die kamprekords ‘n goeie idée verkry word van die dravermoë van die verskillende kampe op ‘n plaas.