Natural Farming

Natural Farming

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Soil - our connector!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Inspiration - finding hope

By on 6:26 PM

The last couple of weeks life came with curves, turning points, mountaintops and valleys. In the middle of all I just realized that we are all dealing with the everyday struggles of life. The worst feeling in the world is the feeling that you are not in control of your life
If you are able to maintain YOU no matter who is around, you can take control of any situation life throws at you and not let it change you.
We all know that there are several aspects in our lives that we need to nurture: the physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and financial. How we develop, enhance, and make use of these areas of our existence influence and shape our future wellbeing, relationships, careers, and statures. Dr Wayne Dyer said: "Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make, not a place we must find."
Life is a balancing act of wins, losses, and trade-offs -- we gain some and we lose some.
The one thing that kept me sane is this: What goes around comes around. It's the universal law of nature: do to others what you want others to do to you, because whatever you sow, you reap; whatever you give, you get back tenfold.
“It’s alright. Things will work out fine.” I say this to myself when I can’t make heads nor tails with the many tasks I have to attend to. Writing deadlines piled one on top of another, interview subjects nowhere to be found, requests needed yesterday, proposals taking forever to get approved.  When I start feeling overwhelmed I sit back and talk to myself. “It’s alright. Things will work out fine.”  And deep inside me I’m reassured. I am still capable of meeting the challenge and I can make things work out fine. 
“Chill mom.” This is my logical son, Gerhard’s words. He helped me see how fortunate I am at most terrible situations.  “It’s a blessing in disguise.” How often we hear this said in the most desperate moments in our lives. It’s the catch-all phrase said by the more optimistic when no hope is in sight, when weeping seems the only thing left to do, when only a miracle can save the day. With this phrase you dig deep into your soul or you reach far into the heavens praying that somehow, this wretched moment will have something good to offer. If you dig deep enough and reach far enough, you will discover the blessing in disguise.


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